A little more about Andrew
Andrew is driven to make life better through creating great architectures with information — environments we’ve come to inhabit and rely upon just as much as our workplaces, homes and neighborhoods. He sees great, untapped potential in how organizations can improve the lives of employees and customers by better shaping information contexts and connections.
A well-known speaker, writer and long-time community member of the information architecture field, Andrew is a co-founder and past board member of the IA Institute. Over the years, he’s worked with clients and employers of all shapes and sizes, including Kimberly-Clark, RF Micro Devices, SRC.org, Vanguard, Sealy and Lowe’s Home Improvement.
A well-known speaker, writer and long-time community member of the information architecture field, Andrew is a co-founder and past board member of the IA Institute. Over the years, he’s worked with clients and employers of all shapes and sizes, including Kimberly-Clark, RF Micro Devices, SRC.org, Vanguard, Sealy and Lowe’s Home Improvement.
He’s currently at work on a book for O’Reilly Media on how information creates and shapes context, and what that means for design.
Andrew's Presentation
The World Is the Screen: Understanding Information Environments (slides)
Information is tricky stuff. We talk about it a lot, but what do we mean when we do? And how does something so abstract turn into tangible experiences for users? This talk is about how we can think about experiences as environments, made of different modes of information. We'll see some examples of how these modes affect the user experience, and learn a framework for thinking about design problems, regardless of channel, device, or flavor.